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Drop date?

Date: February 27th
Time: Pre-sale at 14.30 UTC and public sale at 16.00 UTC.

How many NFTs is in the collection?

Around 1000 NFTs, all animated.


Yes, a whitelist of max 300.

Will the NFTs hold any utility?

Yes! To reward the early holders we will send all holders of a Machine Headz NFT a free NFT airdrop. When season 2 is completed all season 1 holders will get one more NFT – for mint price, this means all season 1 holder will get 3 NFTs at the price of 1. Is is possible we will add more utility down the road, we have a lot of plans for this project and must start somewhere.

Are all the NFTs animated?

Yes. every single one.

What are the rarities?

Rarities will be shared after launch and uploaded to Cnft.tools.

Will collections be verified?

Yes, verification will happen on Tokhun, cnft.io, Epoch.art and JPG.store

Are there royalties?

A 2.5 % royalty is set for Machine Headz.

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